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Infinity Dog Sports Newsletter Spring 2019


Our new trainer, Jessica, wrote a great article on the importance of startlines and is sharing it with us to be included in this newsletter. Here is a small excerpt:

"If you are not confident in your dog how can the dog be confident in you? Dogs pick up on energy and can also smell stress via hormones. With this, some handlers very clearly send nervous cues as they hesitantly leave the dog at the first jump. Walking backwards a few steps with tense a “wait, wait, wait” is not an ideal performance and will set both you and the dog up for failure. Ideally, a handler should mindfully set their dog up at the start, aware of the line they are going to be giving him as they release him. If you are not confident in your dogs startline that is a problem that needs to addressed as it will affect the dog across the board during your runs. Immediately, as the dog breaks and you have not set up a clean or even the right line to start the course. This is inefficient and a lot of time can be lost by these messy and frantic lines on course and might even result in a disqualification before you even get going. Ultimately, a messy start usually does not mean a connected or smooth run. Rather than cascading into the same nervous routine at the startline each run- which over time is TEACHING the dog that this is the routine that we follow- stop setting the dog up for failure. Dogs are always learning! A problem like this will not automatically get better, especially if this is the routine and behavior you have unintentionally trained into the dog his whole career.

To read the full article please visit

Startlines are important for those who are at the beginning of their agility journey, not just those who are already competing. In a class setting, successful startlines stays can help you get the most out of your classtime. Your turn in class is your opportunity to work on what presents itself at the moment. If you are struggling with getting a solid startline with your dog, consider using your turn to work on this important skill.



Jessica taught her first day of workshops on March 16 for students at all levels and it was a huge success ! The day was split into three workshops which included some great foundation games for startlines, using rewards as well as sequence work with handling. A fun day jam packed with lots of learning. Thank you to everyone who joined the fun.



APRIL 27, 10AM - 1PM

Jessica's next workshop will focus on teeter training! This will be a great opportunity for teams looking to improve their dogs teeter performance, confidence and reliablity. Contact Jessica at to register.



Infinity Dog Sports has gone through a whirlwind of changes recently. A big thank you to each and every wonderful and supportive student for staying patient during these recent transitions. Here's a quick summary:

Infinity Vouchers

We are excited to begin offering vouchers as an incentive and thank you to our awesome students! Vouchers can be used towards practice times and class registration fees. Vouchers will be handed out to students who help a little extra, get a little extra involved, come check out a trial, enter a B-match, etc… :) Stay awesome, receive vouchers !!

Class Sessions and Private Lessons

All classes have now transitioned to monthly sessions from the previous 6-week class sessions. Class prices remain the same per class and the cost for a monthly session is $90. These monthly sessions will typically be 4 weeks long with the occasional 5th class in a month.

Beginning with the payment due the last week of April for the May class session, payments should be made directly to the person teaching your class or private lesson. Payments for classes/private lessons taught by Anne should be made payable to Infinity Dog Sports. Payments for classes/private lessons taught by Jessica should be made payable to Jessica Vanden Langenberg.

Payments to both Anne/Infinity Dog Sports and Jessica may be placed in the same black locking mailbox in the arena you have been using for making payments. Payments by credit/debit card may be made using the Paypal link provided in the email reminder you will receive prior to the start of each new monthly session.

Practice Time

Effective May 1, Infinity Dog Sports is happy to provide practice time at reduced student rates to regular, ongoing students of Tammy Moody/Oregon School for Clever Dogs and Jessica Vanden Langenberg/PyrWild Agility. Practice time is available to students up to one hour each week and must be reserved in advanced. Monthly practice passes are available for a cost $25 per month. Pay-per-session practice can be scheduled at a cost of $10 for a half-hour practice and $15 for an hour practice.

Payments for open practice time should continue to be made payable to Infinity Dog Sports. The process has not changed--payments may be placed in the black locking mailbox in the agility arena or can be made online by credit/debit card by clicking on the pink "Pay Online" button on the Infinity Dog Sports webpage.

Before scheduling your first open practice time, please contact Arena/Barn Manager, Alex Taylor, for a brief orientation. Non-students should also contact Alex to inquire about using the arena. Alex can be reached at

Reminder--If you move any equipment, please put it back where you found it and make sure cones are numbered correctly before you leave - course maps are posted on the bulletin board for reference.



Infinity Dog Sports is excited to now offer advanced and competition level agility classes and private lessons taught by our new trainer, Jessica Vanden Langenberg. Currently there are two competition

classes that have begun, Tuesdays at 7:00PM and Wednesdays at 1:15PM. Both classes are currently full but additional classes are planned in the near future.

A new intermediate/competition agility is tentatively planned for Mondays at 8:00PM is tentatively scheduled to begin in May. Starting in June, at least one additional afternoon class is expected to begin.

These are fun classes! If you are interested in a spot in an upcoming class, contact Jessica at



Privates are a great way to get ahead if there is something specific you are struggling with in class, or if you want some individual training on specific skills or equipment, such as weave poles, teeter, stopped contacts, or startlines. Privates are available with both Anne and Jessica at a cost of $40 for a 30 minute lesson. Split privates may also be available.



Saturday, April 27, 10am-1pm

Teeter Training Workshop

Jessica Vanden Langenberg

Contact Jessica at to register

Saturday, May 4, 5-8pm

Infinity Meet and Greet


River Road, Eugene

Sunday, May 5, 9-11am

Course Building followed by

Free Open Practice for Everyone Who Comes to Help!

Saturday and Sunday, May 11-12

CPE Trial, WAG Monmouth OR

Closing Date May 1

Saturday, May 18, 9-11am

Course Building followed by

Free Open Practice for Everyone Who Comes to Help!

Sunday, May 19, 8am-4pm

Infinity Demos at BARK IN THE PARK!

Friday-Sunday, May 24-26

Eugene AKC Trial, Fairgrounds

B-Match on Saturday!

Closes May 10

Saturday, June 1, 9-11am

Course Building followed by

Free Open Practice for Everyone Who Comes to Help!

Friday, June 7, 9am-12:30pm and 1:30-5pm

Tammy Moody Workshops

Oregon School for Clever Dogs

Contact Tammy at to register.

Friday-Sunday, June 14-16

Albany AKC Trial

B Match on Saturday!

Closes May 29

Saturday, June 15, 9-11am

Course Building followed by

Free Open Practice for Everyone Who Comes to Help!

Saturday-Sunday, June 22-23

Dogs at Play CPE Trial, Eugene

Closes May 13

Saturday-Sunday, June 29-30


Brownsville, OR



We are always open to suggestions, something you want to see ? Let us know ! :)

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