Class Descriptions
DISCOUNTS AND SPECIAL OFFERS available at registration
Infinity Voucher Discounts earned by students for attending fun runs, volunteering, etc.
Junior Discount Discounts for students under 18 years of age.
Multiple Dog Discount Discount when registering two dogs in month-long class sessions in one month.
8 weeks $160
This class focuses on building a strong partnership between you and your dog using play and games including motivation and reward-based games, body awareness, focus games, and games to develop a thinking dog. Skills are taught using shaping and use of some agility equipment such as tunnels and the pause table. This class continues for two six-week sessions.
$90 per month
This class focuses on your skills as a handler and on continuing to build your agility partnership with your dog. As you sharpen and add to the skills you learned in Foundation I, you will begin foundation for jump training and begin training on the dog walk, teeter and tire. This class continues for two six-week sessions.
$90 per month
This class focuses on bringing the skills you and your dog have been learning together and strengthening the partnership and teamwork you are building with your dog. You will focus even more on agility handling, including physical and verbal cues, side changes/crosses, obstacle commitment and the dog’s line. You and your dog will continue training on agility equipment and will work toward performing short sequences. Students typically register for repeated sessions of this class, until they have achieved the level of confidence and competence needed to advance to Intermediate Agility.
$90 per month
This class builds on Beginning Agility and expands on the understanding and proper performance of agility obstacles and handling. You and your dog will continue to improve your handling skills and performance of agility equipment, work on maintaining focus and connection, and identifying the dog's line and destination points in longer sequences. Students typically register for repeated sessions of this class, until they have achieved a level of confidence and competence needed for Advanced / Competition Agility.
$90 per month
This class builds on Intermediate Agility and focuses on refinement of handling skills and performance of agility obstacles in more challenging situations, and introduces advanced handling techniques. You will learn more about agility course analysis including what to consider when looking at various handling options and determining the best way to handle parts of a course. Students typically register for repeated sessions of this class.
4 Bi-weekly Classes $90
Whether you're at the very beginning, or you've started teaching your dog the weaves but need help progressing to the next step, this class is for you! Weaves can be one of the hardest obstacles for your dog to learn, but it's not really complicated. This class will teach you the methods to use and the specific steps to take to take to have your dog independently find those entries, drive through all the poles, and do it all with speed and commitment. You and your dog will LOVE THOSE WEAVES in no time!
4 Bi-weekly Classes $90
Whether you are unable to stay with or get ahead of your dog, or just want to be able to get to critical destination points on the course faster, developing the skills to work at a distance is very important, and also valuable when competing in Fast, Gamblers, Jackpot and Chances. In this class you will learn how to have your dog drive ahead of you, work laterally to you, and perform obstacles independently with speed and commitment. You will learn how to layer obstacles and analyze the dog’s path and destination points, to help determine your path and the best handling options. Students typically register for repeated sessions to develop and maintain their distance skills.
$40-60, 30-60 minutes (shared lessons available, private lesson package discounts available)
Private lessons can provide individualized instruction on specific skills. They're also helpful for dogs who are still working through distractions or who have issues working around another dogs. Private lessons can be valuable as an occasional complement to weekly classes, or can even replace group classes if those classes are not how you and your dog learn and work best together.
Open practice is available to current Infinity Dog Sports students only during any month in which they are registered and paid for 4-5 week class session.
Monthly Practice Pass (current students only)
Pay monthly by the first and book practice sessions through the end of the month
$25/month one hour practice time weekly
Pay-per-Session Practice (current students only)
Book and pay for practice on a session-by-session basis, payable at or before the practice session. Practice sessions may be booked up to one week in advance. Up to one hour practice time weekly may be scheduled.
$10 30 minutes practice time
$15 1 hour practice time
Arena Practice for Non-Students
Please contact Alex Taylor at